Or your first course took forever to finish, I want to help you take a new path...
Here's the good news...
I discovered a much easier and much faster way, a step-by-step process with an hour-by-hour design already laid out for you and I want to walk you through it.
Instead of wasting time trying to figure out what to do next...
Just set aside the time, sit down at your computer and create your course in no time flat!
I'd like to invite you to the 24 Hour Course Creator.
I'm Julie Hood from CourseCreatorsHQ.com.
I've been creating online products since 2002 and working behind the scenes with my clients on some of the biggest online launches, including ones from Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi, Brian Tracy, Russell Brunson, Kevin Harrington and lots more.
And I am on a mission to help people create and market their courses using the very best tools, tips and techniques that I can find and share them with you.
You see, when I started, I spent over a year putting my first project together!
It was an ebook for freelance writers, jam packed with everything I could find about the subject. It was called The Organized Writer: 30 Days to More Time, More Money and Less Frustration.
And it was super helpful. I worked with thousands of writers and they loved it. But the problem was is that I only charged $14.95 for nearly everything I knew. And that's not enough to build a business or a life on.
If what you're doing just isn't covering all the bills right now or if you're working hours and hours at a job you despise or hours and hours for clients, let's change that...
Or maybe you just want enough from a side hustle to pay your car payments or pay for your daughter's dance classes.
Either way, whether you want to make some side money or you want to create a full business based on your courses...
...you can do it with online courses.
The good news for you is that it can be done either way and you can learn the secrets to getting your first course live regardless of whether or not you're an "official" expert.
Maybe you will spend an hour a day for a few weeks... or maybe you have a long weekend coming up...
Because in just 24 hours, you can create your online course!
I make it super simple for you.
You'll have a cheat sheet that tells you hour by hour what to do.
It's all planned out for you and don't worry, even if you don't think you are an expert, you can create an online course.
You know all those things that come so easily to you, the ones that people are constantly asking you for help with.
Those are the things that you can turn into an online course.
So let me show you everything you're going to get inside of this brand new program.
Number one, you're going to discover my hour by hour, step-by-step path to finish your course.
We start with my secrets for choosing your perfect topic. Then I'll share my proprietary system to help you outline your course in no time flat and by the end of hour six, you'll have completed your research and outlined your course with my special system.
Then most of the rest of the hours are laid out to help you finish putting together your first course.
It's super simple!
First, you get all the the lessons in the 24 hour course creator training.
The first bonus is my personal course template to save you time.
You just insert your content and run with it.
The second bonus is personal feedback on your video within the next 90 days.
If you send us your video, I'll have my video editor go through and make suggestions to help you improve.
And then bonus number three is my course titles swipe file. One of the very best things you can do to sell your course is to come up with an unbelievable title and to help you with that,
I'll also give you my power words swipe file so that with the combination of those you can create an incredible course title.
So the total value for all of these items is $925, but you don't have to pay that...
Right now the regular price for 24 Hour Course Creator course is $997, but you don't have to pay that either.
In fact, because I want to get as many people as possible out there having an additional revenue stream...
...I'm only charging $497 to get access.
Even if you don't get the course completed, you'll still have access to all the lessons afterward and can work on it in future.
So let's review.
It's the complete package. A total value of $1,425 but you can save your spot for only $497 because you found this secret video and link to get the course and the bonuses for the special price.
All you have to do is click the orange enroll today button, fill out the form and I'll save you a spot on Friday.
I also have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. You have 30 days to try out the program completely risk-free.
If you try this program out, put in your 24 hours of work and your first course doesn't work the way I've described, then just let us know and we'll refund your entire investment.
Just remember what this program is going to do for you.
First, it's designed to help you get your first course done and complete.
In fact, you don't have to spend a year or six months or even 30 days working on the course...
...just 24 hours.
Secondly, the course is designed to give you an easy way to create your first course video.
By the end of the training, you'll have a video and a 12-page report ready to sell.
But if you're worried about the video...
... you'll have personal feedback from my video editor on how to improve.
So go ahead and scroll down below, fill out that form and get access to the 24 hour course creator online course.
... because this is a special offer and once we hit 100 students, I'm going to raise the price.
My video editor can only handle 100 video reviews at a time. So go ahead and click the Enroll Today button, fill out the form and get access to the 24 Hour Course Creator Online Course.
As soon as you enroll, I'll send you an email with your login information and you can get access to the member's area immediately.
Print off your Cheat Sheet and then schedule your 24 hours.
Let's get your course created and complete!
So if you know you want to help other people by sharing what you know, the 24 hour course creator is for you.
Let's not put it off any longer.
Let's get your course done.
I can't wait to work with you and get your course completed.
Scroll down below, fill out the form and get access to the 24 Hour Course Creator right now.
I can't wait to work with you.
Let's create your course!
Here's to your success,
Julie Hood
PS - The short version: Set aside 24 hours and create your first (or next!) course using the step-by-step program I have laid out for you.